Performance Review Evaluation Form

Complete a SEPARATE form for EACH piece played by EACH ensemble (multiple movements of a single work count as one piece). Evaluate each element and make comments if needed.


Please evaluate the group based on the following scale: 12-15: High level of execution. Desired result achieved with only slight room for improvement. 8-11: Well done with very few errors. Overall effect achieved with room for a few improvements. 4-7: Adequate execution but some reoccurring errors. More attention to details in preparation. 1-3: Execution was at a low level with a good deal of work needed for an adequate performance. Attention to evaluation techniques recommended.
Selected Value: 1
Rate Level of Execution
Selected Value: 1
Rate Level of Execution
Selected Value: 1
Rate Level of Execution
Selected Value: 1
Rate Level of Execution. Includes dynamics, style, and character.
Selected Value: 1
Rate group cohesiveness and communication (e.g. listening to each other, eye contact, body language, mental connectivity/synergy)
Selected Value: 1

Individual Comments (Only needed once per group)

Make general comments applicable to all works played by the person in this group (after their last piece). Please write each name below!