Audition Information

New students must audition for acceptance into the program. Returning students are automatically accepted, but must audition for placement into ensembles.

For the 2024–25 season, general auditions (age 8-19) will be conducted in person at 3131 Ashel St., Raleigh, NC 27612. Leadership auditions (grades 10-12 with prior NCCMI experience) are by video submission with in person finals. If you have any technical issues or challenges with accessibility, contact

Need-based financial aid and payment plans are available for all students upon acceptance.

NCCMI Auditions 2024-25


Musicians will be accepted on a rolling basis. 
Sign up for the earliest audition possible!


Leadership Ensembles Auditions – full or partial scholarship

Upon completion of the registration form, office personnel will contact you with further details:

Video Submission Deadline Sunday, April 14, 2024 Midnight
Final Rounds Sunday, May 5, 2024 1:30–5:00 pm


Early Bird Auditions – discounted tuition!

Upon completion of the registration form, you can sign up for one of these dates:

Saturday, June 1, 2024 2–5:30 pm
Thursday, June 6, 2024 2–6:30 pm
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 2–5:30 pm

Special Auditions by Appointment


Regular Auditions

Upon completion of the registration form, you can sign up for one of these dates:

Saturday, July 13, 2024 10–12 pm and 2–4 pm
Wednesday, August 21, 2024 3:30–6:30 pm
Thursday, August 22, 2024 5-7:30 pm

Special Auditions by Appointment


Videotaped Auditions

See important guidelines below

Early Bird Deadline: Saturday, July 13
Regular Tuition Deadline: Saturday, August 17

General Audition Repertoire Requirements


  • Strings – 3 octave scale (4 slurred notes, with the octave notes doubled); 2 octaves are acceptable for younger players
  • Winds – 2 octaves
  • Piano (An example in C Major is linked HERE) – 2 scales + arpeggios in student’s choice of 1 major and 1 minor key.  Use the harmonic minor scale for minor keys. Choose one key with a white tonic and one with a black tonic. Play scales in progressive rhythms at a minimum speed of quarter note = 112, hands together as follows:
    • Play one octave in quarter notes, two octaves in eighth notes and three octaves in triplets. To be considered for the most advanced groups, add four octaves in 16th notes.
    • Follow each scale with an arpeggio in the same key at the same tempo in triplets, four octaves, hands together.  Play arpeggios in three positions:  root, first inversion, and second inversion.


  • All instruments – solo should be under 4 minutes and representative of current playing level.
    Memorization is not required.

Sight Reading

  • All instrumentalists will be given a short excerpt of chamber music to sight-read. For Zoom auditions, this will be sent the day before the audition.

Video Audition Requirements

All those sending a video audition must first complete their registration form and pay the registration fee. In order to pay the registration fee, click on the option- “Pre-recorded Auditions” on the Time Slots page.

Create separate videos for each part of the audition since the files are usually large to send together. Share the links via Google Drive, Dropbox, private Youtube channel or Vimeo with


Make sure the keyboard, pedals, and student’s hands are all clearly visible on the video. Open piano lid on full stick if possible. 

  1. Student should introduce themselves, then announce key of the scale and the name of the solo piece.
  2. Play the following (An example in C Major is linked HERE):
    1. Pianists will play 2 scales + arpeggios in their choice of 1 major and 1 minor key.  Use the harmonic minor scale for minor keys. Choose one key with a white tonic and one with a black tonic. Play scales in progressive rhythms at a minimum speed of quarter note = 112, hands together as follows:
      • Play one octave in quarter notes, two octaves in eighth notes and three octaves in triplets. To be considered for the most advanced groups, add four octaves in 16th notes.
      • Follow each scale with an arpeggio in the same key at the same tempo in triplets, four octaves, hands together.  Play arpeggios in three positions:  root, first inversion, and second inversion.
    2. Solo of less than 4 minutes (student’s choice)
    3. Sight reading – Send request for excerpt to (You get 2 tries on the sight reading. Follow the instructions below.)


Have the player stand so that the instrument’s F-holes face the camera. Make sure that the music stand does not obstruct the viewer! 

You should create separate videos for each part of the audition since the files are usually too large to send together. Share the links with via Google Drive, Dropbox, private YouTube channel, or Vimeo.

  1. Student should introduce themselves, then announce key of the scale and the name of the solo piece.
  2. Play the following:
    1. Scale – 3 octaves (4 slurred notes, with the octave notes doubled); 2 octaves are acceptable for younger players
    2. Solo of less than 4 minutes (student’s choice)
    3. Sight reading – Send request for excerpt to (You get 2 tries on the sight reading. Follow the instructions below.)


Contact Director of the Wind Ensembles Division at for more information.

Sight Reading Instructions

  1. Someone must hand the excerpt to student while on camera because they cannot practice it before video is made. Follow the markings for start and stop points.
  2. The student should make two attempts to play the excerpt as follows:
    • 1st Try: Check the metronome speed. Study excerpt for 30 seconds. Play the excerpt.
    • 2nd Try: Check the metronome speed. Study excerpt for 30 seconds. Play the excerpt once more.